
The Baker Cabin Historic Society is a non-profit association of neighbors, community partners, and history buffs who understand the perishability of heritage artifacts and the place that history plays in today’s experiences.
Our mission is to “restore and preserve the Baker Cabin… and Pioneer Church… to create and perpetuate a property of interest and historic value for community education and use…” The Society is always ready to welcome friends who value history and want to provide support through interests, ideas, participation, actions, or monetary and bequests.
Active members pay annual dues and are entitled to receive periodic newsletters, to serve on the Board of Directors, and to vote for Board officers. Dues and donations help to support the maintenance of the historic site.
Dues are renewed annually. New members are prorated the first year.
Donations are also welcome and may be assigned to several ongoing projects, including the restroom project, website enhancements, special events, or to the general fund.
To become a new member or to renew your existing membership, please click here [electronic intake]. You can also call the office at 971-409-0934, and ask for a brochure and form.
To update your address information, please contact our office, or drop the update to us in an email to