About Us

Supported through volunteerism plus income from wedding and event rentals, various fund-raisers, and concerts, the BCHS Board of Directors meets once a month and sponsors several traditional events throughout the year.
The preservation of this corner of Oregon Trail history was first undertaken by the Old Timers Association of Oregon, which formed in 1937 to restore the cabin. Most of the founding association members were direct descendants of the area’s pioneers, and over the course of several years, they repaired the crumbling structure. In 1978, the Old Timers Association was renamed to be the Baker Cabin Historical Society to better reflect its purpose of restoration and preservation of the historic site and to welcome newcomers to the area.
Mission statement
– To restore and preserve the Baker Cabin built from logs in 1856 and the German Methodist Pioneer Church built in 1895 and moved here in 1967.
– To create and perpetuate a property of interest and historic value for community use.
– To discover and collect any materials, which may help establish or illustrate the history of this site.
– To raise funds to accomplish these goals.
Maintaining and improving the buildings and historic site is a great way to learn more about your community, about the history of the Oregon Trail, and to put your time toward something truly worthwhile. Time spent here will carry forward for generations to come. You can become a custodian of the past, and honor the love and effort placed here by previous generations.
Join us by accepting a short term project or a regular task. The list below is short.
Your talents or interests may bring something welcome and new to us.
Things we need help with now:
* Promoting or hosting tours and open houses at the cabin or church
* Board of Directors positions (not so much work, as advisory)
* Scrapbooking
* Flower bed maintenance and semi-annual replanting at the church
* Setting up and storing picnic tables and benches for events
* Grounds maintenance, including mole trapping, pruning, edging, and occasional trimming
* Cleaning the church and cabin gutters
* Grant writing
* Fundraising
* Serving as construction project liaison with service groups such as Eagle Scouts
To sign up as a volunteer or work on a project, please email us at bakercabinhistory@gmail.com.